Monday, October 24, 2011

"When My World Is Shaking, Heaven Stands."

God is for me. He is not against me. No matter how much I may think so it is not true. I think sometimes I am against God. He loves me and wants the best for me. Through every trial I go through I have a choice to make: You can choose to praise God or be angry at him. The devil will set you up to fail but if you have God as your light you can see the trap and go around it. Satan is a smart man. He has many tactics to hurt you and not heal you. He was known as one of God's best angels.

Read the word. Pray. Love your self. Love God. Love others.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No Set Backs

Lately my condition has gone in a flare up. I caught myself thinking "I hate that I have to depend on medicine to feel good." Then I realized I shouldn't depend on medicine. I should depend on God. Depending on people and things other than God can get you(as well as me)in trouble fast. This is a test and I'm not going to fail this one. I will come out on the other end a winner with God's help.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Relationship With God First

   You've been fighting with your best friend, family member or significant other. Maybe you feel the need to mend your relationship with someone who used to be a huge part of your life but who now, seems like a distant memory.
    I think most, if not all of us have been in this situation before. One thing you need to consider before trying to mend any relationship is to think to yourself. "How is my relationship with God?" I'm not here to lecture you on how if you have Jesus you wont have any of these problems because that's not true. John 16:33 says that you may be a Christian but you will face some trials. What I'm trying to get at is that before you fix anything you have to have that relationship with God first. Their are several reasons for this.

1) You have someone (God) to give you comfort.

2) If you can't fix a relationship with the one who holds your life in his hands how can you fix a relationship with someone on earth?

3) God can give you guidance on how to handle the situation.

4) God will be there when that person who you are having a tough time with is not.

  Their are much more reasons on why you should establish a relationship with God first but those are the ones that entered my mind first. To establish that relationship with God you can read the bible more, attend & become active in church, start a prayer journal, listen to christian/ inspirational music and soo much more!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

THAT is What Prayer Can do!!!

I've been praying for about a year and a half for doctors to find the inflammation in my body that has caused me much pain and emotional burden. I went in for a EGD and Colonoscopy and had SO many people pray for me across not only my county but the COUNTRY. People I didn't even know were praying for me! Before going into the operating room I prayed for a few things: That God bless those who have prayed for me, for me to not worry so much, that my family members not get stressed out and that their personal needs be met, God does his will, God giving doctors wisdom to help me & for God to give me an opportunity to wittness to my doctor, most importantly. God gave me what I asked for. He showed the doctor my inflammation and other issues in my GI tract and he was able to get biopsies of those lesions so in a few weeks I get the pathology report and hopefully I get treatment for whatever has been ailing me soon! God has blessed the people around me so much and I have the idea of writing my doctor a thank you letter when all is said and done, mentioning how amazing it is God put him in my life. The doctor & I have very simmilar personalities: sarcastic, monotone, funny, serious, not serious & smart. I honestly don't know whether he's saved or not for sure. God has put me in a position that I can share my testimony with others and I know I have helped others. My medical journey is no where near over so neither is my testimony but I'm proud to serve God through pain!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Come forth with Thanksgiving

Be Thankful

It's not Thanksgiving, I know. God has put this word on my heart to kind of express(it's theraputic for me too).

      I have been ill for years, in and out of hospital visits in horriable pain, feeding tubes, the whole big shabam and no doctor knows what's wrong with me. Don't pity me. That isn't the point. I keep seeing people take things for granted like being able to eat things like wings or cake and keep it down. People complaining about taking notes in class, driving their kids to practice etc. I have had a habit of doing that too. Trust me, I am not perfect. It just kind of makes me jealous when people aren't thankful for the simple things like that considering I have trouble doing all those things. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 talks about giving thanks in all circumastances because it's God's will; that is so true! Someone always has/had it worse than you it seems. That is no reason for you not to care though for those who are sick or hurting in some other way. God commands us to pray, help and love others. If their is anything that this illness has blessed me with it is the gift I now have to emphasize with people who are in pain both emotionally and physically

Philippians 2:4- Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

God bless!

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Good Deed a Day Will Keep the Blues Away

  "Your room is a mess! You have clothes thrown all over the ground, shoes underneath your bead and your night stand is crowded!" Those were the words I heard from my mother last night. Whatta great goodnight greeting! I do have to admit, my room was a cluttered mess. I sat in bed and looked around my room. Just one look at the junk made me feel instantly lazy and lethargic. I know I should clean my room but, that would require effort, right? Then a grand thought popped in my head "Clean your room." I looked at my alarm clock and it was already 11:00 at night. I jumped out of bed and got to cleaning, by the time midnight rolled around I was putting on the final touches: Adjust trophies, make up bed, light guava nectar scented candle. I couldn't wait to see my mom's face in the morning when she saw my room.

    In a meeting my mother slipped me a note saying "Good job on your room this morning! It looks VERY nice. Love you!" Little did she know that I stayed up to the wee hours of the night. That is besides the point though. The point of all of this is when you do a good deed and help out others & do the extra mile(in this case I cleaned up my room before my mom got to it)you feel good about yourself. Even if you were in a bad mood before when you help others out of pure love you feel good about yourself. Even without the praise!

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galations 6:2

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" 1 John 3:27

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." Hebrews 13:16

"Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”  Luke 6:38

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Trials That We Face In Life: Sickness

No one has a perfect life & we all face trials. Some of us face more trials than others but we, as Christians, already know this because in first Peter chapter four Peter writes to tell us that we shouldn't be surprised that we have to go through pain and we should rejoice that we share the same sufferings as Christ. What does this mean? It means that we should feel content in knowing that God thinks so highly of us to carry out his plan(even if it hurts us).

  In this post we will discuss how to deal with physical sickness. Your sickness may be acute or chronic. Easily cured or hard to treat. Whatever your situation may be I know exactly how you feel(To learn more go to my other blog that talks about my health). You might feel hopeless and angry at God for doing such a thing to you or you may be irritated by your symptoms. In order to win this fight against the Devil you need to stay as close to God as you can spiritually so that your spiritual health flourishes. When you try to be optimistic and grow in your relationship with God you will realize that you have at least one thing to be thankful for. 1 Peter has always been my go to book in the Bible whenI feel helpless. The book soothes my worries and gives me courage. Everyone goes through suffering. You can either wallow in your own pity or be happy that your God loves you and that you are alive! It is my prayer that God blesses you if you are sick. In my next post I will talk about dealing with your emotions when it comes to having a loved one who is sick.

Remember it can't rain forever. There is always a rainbow after the rain.